Unified Comms & Collaboration
Why now?
- User expectations for rich and meaningful real time conversations are higher than ever before.
- Productivity and collaboration starts with real time access to information sharing from any device, anywhere.
Hassle free Gap analysis & Impact Assessments available
Unified Comms & Collaboration
Why now?
- User expectations for rich and meaningful real time conversations are higher than ever before.
- Productivity and collaboration starts with real time access to information sharing from any device, anywhere.
Hassle free Gap analysis & Impact Assessments available

The Problem
Supporting teams to engage in rich and meaningful real time conversations requires interoperability between networks, devices and applications managed by multiple internal and external teams. Without considering the impact to the overall ICT estate, a perceived low cost investment can quickly transform into additional project delivery, operating costs and higher total cost of ownership (TCO).
The Challenge
Often, poor performance is accepted as the norm and many user faults go unreported, leaving IT departments blind and users turning to their own tools for engaging with each other. Additional factors such as infrastructure dependencies and project delivery methods are not always prioritised, resulting in doubt over demarcation of responsibilities and low user adoption of the technology once deployed. This results in lost productivity and lower return on investment.
“C-STEM understand our business. They provide a personal approach, and customer services know who we are, which is fabulous.”
Real World Scenarios

On premise, public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud or mixed. Flexible deployment methods to suit your environment needs, in the short or longer term, avoiding redundant investment.

Future proofing
Blend new with old and keep legacy assets for longer, whilst realising business value sooner. Allowing development be determined by needs and not by the limitations of legacy technology.

Real-time collaboration
Avoid having to miss or cut short, a communication by seamlessly switching between devices for phone calls, message conversations, conferences and video chats, without losing connectivity.

Workforce enablement
Standardise applications rather than devices for users, making it easier to quickly rollout business communication tools to new users or update tools for existing users.

Cost Reduction
Reduce overheads and running costs with all included features and reduced hardware and dedicated infrastructure requirements, whilst easily being able to forecast scalability.

Avoid complex user interfaces and multiple applications for essential communications, increasing user adoption and satisfaction.
Our Proof of Value exercise will immediately evidence vulnerabilities in real time allowing you to calculate your ROI using live data from within your own environment.

The Solution
- Simplified all in one solution
- Overlay to existing platforms
- Quick and hassle free deployment
- Low cost scalability
- Reliable and secure user experience
- Latest UC applications and web collaboration
Systems + Techniques = Effective Management
C-STEM - Platfform Building, 11-20 Devon Place, Newport NP20 4NW
Tel: 0345 241 0000 | Fax: 0345 241 0001
C-STEM is the trading name for Communication-STEM Limited. Registered Office: 10 Temple Back, Bristol, BS1 6FL. Registered in England 03270429. VAT no. 682398492