Certificate Lifecycle Management
Certificate Lifecycle Management
What is it?
Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) refers to the comprehensive process of overseeing digital certificates, including their insurance, renewal, monitoring, and revocation. Digital certificates play a vital role in cyber security, as they validate the authenticity and encryption of communications, websites, and software. Effective CLM ensures that certificates are obtained from trusted authorities, renewed before expiration to prevent service disruptions, monitored for anomalies or vulnerabilities, and promptly revoked in case of compromise or misuse. This practice is crucial in maintaining the security and integrity of digital assets in an increasingly interconnected and threat-prone digital landscape.

Why now?
- Cloud services are rapidly evolving. This needs constant effectiveness check for machine trustworthiness, including cloud workloads, virtual machines, containers, and microservices, to ensure that identities are not compromised.
- It is critical to protect the identities of connected devices that use encrypted channels controlled by machine identities to transmit and store important data.
- Digital certificates help identify and control who can access and operate on company networks. With the increase in number of identities in a company, it becomes extremely challenging to manage and protect certificates at scale.
- Our dependence on the high availability of applications, systems, and networks is increasing.
- Enterprises need to have a more effective way to monitor their SaaS, cloud services, and the applications hosted across cloud, containers, and on-premise, as the conventional port-based approach is on the edge of being defunct.
Our two to four week Proof of Value exercise will immediately evidence vulnerabilities in real time allowing you to calculate your ROI using live data from within your own environment.
Real World Scenarios

Stay Proactive and Prevent Outages with End-to-End Certificate Lifecycle Automation.

Full Visibility into Infrastructure
Boost Visibility and Prevent Unauthorized Access with Reporting and Auditing.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Granular Visibility and Robust Security.

Prevent outages
Be proactive with certificate expiry analysis and alerts.

Find certificates across hybrid cloud and multi-cloud environments.
C-STEM’s SMART Solution
The C-STEM Crowd SMART Solution combines a C-STEM SMART System with a C-STEM SMART As a Service to provide organisations with the capability to overcome certificate management challenges more efficiently, allowing the delivering and maintenance of a secure and controlled user experience in real time.
By applying this solution, the toolkit permits:
- Best of breed CLM. It is a turnkey PKI solution that includes full featured CLM as well as workflow automation.
- Smart discovery of certificates as well as of the associated devices and applications.
- Central inventory of all the certificates discovered via various methods.
- Analytics of crypto standards used by PKI.
- Certificate expiry alerts.
- Automated well-in-time certificate renewals using native integration with all major CAs.
- Automated provisioning of certificates on target devices and applications using native integrations with all major network devices and applications.
- Flexible definition and enforcement of cryptographic policies.
- End-to-end automation and enforcement of business policies and procedures.
- Granular access control with single sign-on using the corporate user identity system.
- Secure key generation and management.
Systems + Techniques = Effective Management
C-STEM - Platfform Building, 11-20 Devon Place, Newport NP20 4NW
Tel: 0345 241 0000 | Fax: 0345 241 0001
C-STEM is the trading name for Communication-STEM Limited. Registered Office: 10 Temple Back, Bristol, BS1 6FL. Registered in England 03270429. VAT no. 682398492